2. When our family going hiking, it was rained suddenly.
3. When the train travelling pretty fast, it was
stopped suddenly
4. When Gina surfing in the ocean, the shark
attacked her.
5. When we were sitting in the restaurant,
the tourists asked for directions.
Activity 4
1. We were having dinner when somebody knocked on the door.
2. Our family was going hiking when it rained suddenly.
3. The train was traveling pretty fast when it stopped suddenly.
4. I was walking home when the accident happened.
5. Gina was surfing in the ocean when the shark attacked her.
6. We were sitting in the restaurant when tourists asked for the directions.
Jawaban dicetak tebal sudah disusun menjadi kalimat yang benar dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Past Continuous Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dan disela oleh aktivitas lainnya di masa lampau.
Past Continuous Tense:
(+) Subject + Tobe (Was/Were) + Verb-ing + When + Simple Past Tense
(+) Subject + Tobe (Was/Were) + Verb-ing + While + Subject + Tobe (Was/Were) + Verb-ing
Semoga membantu ya.